Commissions are currently open.

Digital art service for any fictional characters, both original and canon.Below are my set prices for the services I provide. They may vary depending on the complexity of the pieces requested such as intricate details, additional objects and custom backgrounds.All prices set are in USD. I accept payments up front through PayPal and I provide the necessary info during our discussion.All important details must be provided — we can discuss them privately and some details can be left up to my creative liberty if you wish.For pieces involving more than one character, there will be a fee for each additional character. The fee depends on the positioning of the character, how much of them is visible, and the complexity of the requested piece as a whole. The minimum fee for additional characters is 60% of the style selected.Warning: I will not accept any commission requests that include — homophobia, racism, sexism, abuse or any other form of negativity.



B&W - $50 Flat Color - $60 Full Render - $70A character bust drawn in varying styles from head to upper-torso including any clothing and accessories visible to that extent.Prices may vary depending on complexity of the requested character.


Half Body

B&W - $80 Flat Color - $90 Full Render- $100A character drawn with most of the body visible, usually cropped anywhere from the waist to the knee.The price will vary depending on the complexity of the outfit or armor, as well as any additional items or objects requested.


Full Body

B&W - $100 Flat Color - $140 Full Render - $160A character drawn with the entire body visible, head to toe.The price will vary depending on the complexity of the outfit or armor, as well as any additional items or objects requested.


High Detail

These pieces are drawn without any lineart, outlines or any form of visual layout over the image. Everything is colored and shaded to look three dimensional and realistic to an extent and there is an extreme attention to detail.This style will take the longest and most effort to complete and will need a thorough discussion so that every detail of your request is taken into account before the piece is started.As this is the most complex package I offer, the price will be set based on the requested size as well as our negotiation, and then presented after every request and detail has been discussed.A customized out-of-focus background is included in the package and you may request to modify the level of detail (see Backgrounds below).



The default background I offer with every piece is a flat color with a splash of texture or gradient, and you may request a custom variation of this, free of charge. Examples are shown in every section above.You may also request a Custom Background to go with a piece with an additional cost depending on complexity.Custom Backgrounds will be out-of-focus by default, but if you wish to have a detailed and clear scene, it can be discussed and the price will be adjusted accordingly. Examples of this are shown in Busts and High Detail.Characters included in backgrounds such as this may contribute to the cost.


Contact Info

These are my main forms of contact. I am also available on Discord, but that information will only be provided via DMs or email.
Twitter - Instagram - Email